01751 620031 / 07790 893007 hello@karenhayward.co.uk

Better sleep is as easy as A, B…Zzzzz

After a long, hectic day, the thought of snuggling deep into your duvet is heavenly … until you spend all night watching the clock and missing out on precious shut-eye. The effects of prolonged sleepless nights could be much worse than an embarrassing yawn in the...

Night, night. Sleep tight….

The current pandemic has certainly changed the we live our everyday lives. It has affected many of our daily routines, and one of its biggest reported impacts has been that on sleep - sleep becomes more elusive when we are anxious. Many people are suffering sleep...

Relationship Support in Uncertain Times

The Coronavirus outbreak is leading to big changes in the way we live our everyday lives.  Our relationships are hugely important to us just at a time when they are being placed under the most intense pressure. Relationships are not built on the expectation that...

Destigmatising Mental Health

The importance of Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace and Community As a therapist, I work with a large number of clients who are experiencing mental distress or are in a period of mental poor health. It’s important to remember that our mental health isn’t fixed;...

In Search of Happiness

How many of us put the happiness of others before our own needs? Most of us I expect. One of the elements of the Mental Health First Aid course is a Happiness Hour. A Happiness Hour is where you take a hour to yourself to look after yourself, to treat yourself kindly,...

One Year from Now Challenge

As many of you know, I go to great lengths to take care of my mental health. I also spend a lot of time helping other people to take care of their mental health too. Those of you who have worked with me or know me personally will also know that I am overweight. This...

Why Mental Health First Aid?

Mental health issues are a normal part of life.  In any one year approximately one in four people experience at least one diagnosable mental health issue and the World Health Organisation forecasts that by 2030, depression will be the single leading cause of the...

Three Litttle Words…

I love you.  Three little words.  Three little words that can have a profound effect on your body.  When whispered by someone you love, the brain releases huge doses of oxytocin, also known as the 'cuddle' hormone.  We also have dopamine, adrenaline and...